Discarded and unwanted at auction, referred to as a "kill pen" animal. We were able to get him released for the cost of transport.

Found abandoned

One of four sheep from a closed Indiana farm

Rescued with 4 hens from a cockfighting ring out of KY

Beautiful rescued racer with rare heterochromia (her eyes are two different colors)

Gary and his brother were an impulse purchase during a county fair by a teen who kept them in a glass aquarium as ducklings. As a result of improper care, they both have a condition called "angel wing"

Found as stray in NE Ohio

Surrendered by his family when his flockmate passed away leaving him lonely.

Found as stray

Abandoned in a NE Ohio park. With no chance of survival on their own, they owe their lives to good people who took them home and sought sanctuary.

Johnny was born on a large farm where his young body was subject to standard industry procedures such as castration, tail docking, and tattooing. On this trip to the feedlot at just a few weeks old, Johnny fell from the transport truck onto a rural highway. Thankfully a kind woman discovered him shortly thereafter and pulled him dazed, terrified, bruised and scraped, off the frozen road and into her warm home. We picked him up a few days later.

Phoebe was surrendered by his caretakers after he developed a severe case of wry neck, a condition that caused his neck to twist and turn his head up under him. He was unable to walk or feed himself when he arrived at just 11 weeks old. His condition resulted from malnutrition and he quickly responded to assisted feedings and supplementation to his diet.

Monte was rescued from a stock yard where he was too sick to stand. Luckily a rescuer was on site and was able to get him released before he was sent into the auction ring. He spent a month in the hospital before coming to Lasa.

Surrendered, discovered in Craigslist ad living a life of neglect and severe malnourishment

Rescued from death road at city pound when we went in to make a donation on the last day before euthanasias began. Was told by officer there that he wouldn't likely "be a good pet" and that he "hate[s] dogs like that", so we couldn't leave him behind. Now is a very treasured and celebrated part of our family!


Willow, Brooks, Blossom, Elliot, and Lenny were rescued from a massive hoarding case of out North Carolina. Their case took over a year to resolve.

Surrender/rescue from laboratory as a chick

Seized as part of cruelty/neglect case

Surrendered due to special needs

Rescued from puppy mill in collaboration with dog rescue group

Her mother was abandoned pregnant at a dog shelter

Seized in neglect case

Surrendered from domestic violence situation

Surrendered due to inadequate care

Surrendered due to special needs

Rescued / Surrendered

Found as stray

Surrendered. Has only 3 legs due to previous injury.

Found as stray

Willow, Brooks, Blossom, Elliot, and Lenny were rescued from a massive hoarding case of out North Carolina. Their case took over a year to resolve.

Willow, Brooks, Blossom, Elliot, and Lenny were rescued from a massive hoarding case of out North Carolina. Their case took over a year to resolve.

Rescued from highway after falling off transport truck.

Willow, Brooks, Blossom, Elliot, and Lenny were rescued from a massive hoarding case of out North Carolina. Their case took over a year to resolve.